Themes - Use one, or make your own.


The Light & Dark themes that suit any website design,

    theme: 'light'
    theme: 'dark'
    theme: 'supervan' // 'material', 'bootstrap'

Make your own themes

Why not? A unique design must have a unique confirm box

This is a CSS boilerplate for defining a theme.

.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme {
  .jconfirm-bg {
  .jconfirm-box {
    &.loading {

      &:before {
      &:after {
    div.jconfirm-closeIcon {
    div.jconfirm-title-c {
    div.jconfirm-content-pane {
    div.jconfirm-content {
      &:empty {

    .jconfirm-buttons {
      button {
      button + button {
    &.hilight {
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-bg{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box.loading{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box.loading:before{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box.loading:after{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-closeIcon{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-title-c{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-content-pane{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-content{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-buttons{
.jconfirm.jconfirm-my-theme .jconfirm-box .jconfirm-buttons button{

JS part of it

    theme: 'my-theme'